Current Work



I decoded and processed more than 50 million emails from the 29Leaks data dump of the alleged shell company enabler, Formations House. This project was done in concert with an international consortium of journalism groups.


Tech & Check

I am the lead technologist on our team dedicated to researching automated fact-checking reporting and delivery at the Duke University Reporters’ Lab.

We run cutting edge tests using natural-language processing, advanced search methodologies and automatic matching to enable real-time fact-checking tools for editors and reporters.



FactStream is a second-screen app that provides live fact-checking during political events. Currently available for the iPhone and iPad, FactStream provides users with pop-ups that include previously published fact-checks or real-time analyses of politicians’ factual claims. Partnering with Google, Facebook, PolitiFact, The Washington Post and others to enable further reach of quality fact-checking.

1000+ reviews on the iOS App Store, 4.3 stars average rating



An open source mobile app ecosystem for small and medium sized newsrooms. Push lets newsrooms stand up native iOS and Android apps along with push notifications, analytics, and CMS integration in hours and days instead of weeks and months.



A web-based category tagger for building training data sets for natural-language machine learning projects. Caucus makes it fun, and somewhat addicting, for non-technical users to easily and quickly tag large data sets with categories or other labels.